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Just finished a story
and need some magic to bring it to life?

Or a spot illustration? I can help you with one illustration or a full book of 32 + cover. From rough draft to final rendering.

Maybe you need help in displaying YOU in your brand? I can help you with custom illustrations, color selections and more.

Picture Books

If you are self-publishing a children’s book and looking for a top-notch illustrator, then you’ve come to the right place!

Take a look at what books I am currently working with authors to create and already published books.

Take Me There!
Left: Book spread from already established character brand series; Ben’s Adventures by Elizabeth Gerlach

View My Portfolio

Take a look at my most recent work. I work with clients to illustrate their brand, bring magic to children’s illustrations and draw the occasional doodle.

My Process

Not only can I help bring your vision to life with beautiful high-quality artistic illustrations, but I have developed a straightforward, organized, & efficient process to take care of everything from A to Z.

Take a Peek!

Ready to make some magic?

[Grabs the faery dust and meets you at the form!]

Let's Talk